WhatsApp is the most used messaging platform in the world and it has become a near impossible event to find an adult without WhatsApp. The Meta (previously known as Facebook Inc.) owned messaging platform boasts around 2 billion mobile phone users using WhatsApp monthly. The sheer volume of WhatsApp userbase is second to none in the industry today.
Though there are multiple reasons why some users prefer Telegram over WhatsApp, the former being platform agnostic is one of the major reasons. In simple words, Telegram can be used on most of your devices while WhatsApp is dependent on your mobile device. However, it is a well-known fact that you can use WhatsApp from your Windows PC or Mac devices if you are smart enough, aka if you are a Techmye reader!
There are a ton of ways to use WhatsApp on your Windows PC or Mac devices suggested on the internet. However, almost all of it are either malicious or illegal which can lead to a ban on your WhatsApp account if identified by Meta. As you are already aware, Techmye is aimed at bringing technology to common people and staying true to the tech guidelines become a part of our motto and hence we do not endorse any malicious or illegal methods. The steps provided below are the only recommended ways to access WhatsApp on your Windows PC or Mac devices.
Until recently, WhatsApp was a single-device only service which did not allow the application to be installed and used on multiple devices. However, a recent update from WhatsApp allows users to link up to 4 devices along with the primary mobile phone and use the devices independently. The messages, media and other data are all independently maintained on corresponding devices, with end-to-end encryption. Since WhatsApp is supported on only 4 major platforms, there are only two ways you can use WhatsApp without a mobile phone.
IMPORTANT NOTE: WhatsApp is supported on iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS platforms only.
Using WhatsApp Web
- From your desktop web browser, navigate to https://web.whatsapp.com/.
- Open WhatsApp on your phone.
- Android: Tap More options
- iPhone: Go to WhatsApp Settings.
- Tap Linked Devices.
- Android: Tap LINK A DEVICE and unlock your phone.
- iPhone: Tap Link a Device and unlock your phone.
- Scan the QR code on your desktop browser.
- Tap Done.
Using the downloaded WhatsApp Desktop
- From your desktop web browser, navigate to https://www.whatsapp.com/download/.
- Download the .exe or .dmg file.
- Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the installation.
- Open WhatsApp on your phone.
- Android: Tap More options
- iPhone: Go to WhatsApp Settings.
- Tap Linked Devices.
- Android: Tap LINK A DEVICE and unlock your phone.
- iPhone: Tap Link a Device and unlock your phone.
- Scan the QR code on your desktop browser.
- Tap Done.